IT Training & Development Process
Career Development Aspects
for Reality | Reliability | Workability | Viability | Sustainability | Stability | Credibility and Scalability
To know the process of Training and Development.
To know the process of Career Development
To know the critical aspects of Career Development
To map the process of Training and Development with process of Career Development and Expansion
To distinguish the critical skills, abilities and 15 other aspects for implementing successful Training and Development Process
To distinguish critical skills and abilities and other 15 aspects of personal Career Development and Expansion
To practice on critical skills and abilities and expand Training and Development process and ensure Career growth with Reality, Reliability, Workability, Viability, Sustainability, Stability, Credibility and Scalability
Aspect-1. To know the process of Training and Development
Q-1. What kind of Training & Development offered by ITSMBA?
Q-2. What is strength of Non–Formal/Non–Accredited Training and Development system?
Q-3. Why Non–Formal/Non–Accredited Training and Development system is important for skills like Information Technology Field or Business Management Field?
Q-4. How Non–Formal/Non–Accredited system of Training and Development is contributing for employability based on IT & Business Management skills?
Q-5. How Non–Formal/Non–Accredited system of Training and Development helps people to be productive and efficient in their resisting employment?
Q-6. How Non–Formal/Non–Accredited system of Training and Development helps people to be productive and efficient in their self – employment and startup?
Q-7. What is the importance of curriculum of a program in Non–Formal/Non–Accredited system of Training and Development? Explain with the help of flow charts indicating different stages of process of Training and Development?
Q-8. What are skills and abilities a person can develop for stable, sustainable and scalable career apart from domain skills and knowledge?
Q-9. Why coaching and leadership or personal transformation Training and Development is critically important for sustaining in career and growing in career?
Q-10. Why the foundation of universal laws of success and values are the important foundation of career? How foundation of universal laws of success helps us to secure the career?
Q-11. What is the difference between world of identity and world of possibility? What are the limitations of world of identity and strength of world of possibility?
Q-12. What are the organization offering curriculum of personal productivity and performance based on coaching and leadership? Write down name of courses and their objectives which are essential for a person to grow in career as well as have a life of Contentment, Satisfaction and Full-Self–Expression?
Q-13. Why the knowledge of personal and professional values is important for living a meaningful life? What are empowering and disempowering behavior of a human being and different situation and different circumstances? How the template of karmpatri makes a person to live a life of piece, harmony, productivity, progress and sense of accomplishment?
Q-14. What is direct access technology used by ITSMBA? Does this technology make success easy? How this technology contributes in achieving desires result in shortest possible time?
Q-15. Explain a career with Reality, Reliability, Workability, Viability, Sustainability, Stability, Credibility and Scalability?
Q-16. List Essential skill in Information Technology Field important for strong career?
Q-17. List Essential skill in Business Administrator and Management Field important for strong career?
Q-18. What is the world of performance and productivity? What is the difference between work domain and performance domain? What are the benefits of pursuing your career as a game?
Q-19. What are the characteristics of conducive environment for career development at training space? How your teams contribute to your success?
Q-20. What reflects or define or relatedness or relationship with curriculum and career? How ground rules, promises and policies of Training and Development platform helps in ensuring the career of your choice? How it contributes to your success?