Key Performance Indicators

Career and Skill Development

  1. The number of participants introduced by career development seminars.
  2. The number of participants registered for skill and acumen development training programs offered by organization.
  3. The number of participants graduated from training programs for career in business management and administration.
  4. The number of participants enrolled, registered and graduated from short term skill development courses in business management and administration.

Training of Trainers in Business Management and Administration

  1. Number of participants made aware and enrolled for career aspect as business skill trainers.
  2. Number of participants registered for training of trainer (TOT) program as corporate management skill trainer.
  3. Number of participants completed program, candidated and designated as vocational or professional management trainers.

Business Expansion and Turnover

  1. Number of new affiliations with MSME sector establishments.
  2. Number of new chapters in academic, professional or research institutions having real life business management and administration section or department.
  3. Business growth or expansion of affiliate establishments according to pre defines specific criteria.
  4. New Techniques or Best Practices discovered inside the fulfillment of organization objective. New ways and means to deal with situation of Complexity, Ambiguity, Volatility and Uncertainty. 

Social Contribution and Nation Building

  1. Number of new projects started for social contribution.
  2. Number of projects completed related to social contribution.
  3. The outcome statistics of social contribution projects.

Exceptional Breakthrough of Individuals and Affiliated Establishments

  1. Number of extraordinary breakthroughs caused by members at team level.
  2. Number of extraordinary breakthroughs caused by members at individual’s level.